10 Year Anniversary Staff Show
10 Year Anniversary Staff Show
September 3-29, 2022
Treehouse & Pioneer Saloon Kaka'ako (downstairs)
In celebration with our 10 year anniversary, we are showcasing photos from current & former staff. There’s 50 film photographs that will be displayed both in treehouse & downstairs in Pioneer Saloon Kaka'ako. We hope you will enjoy this large body of work.
Alex Delapena
Amanda Cerami
Anabelle Ellwein
Atis Puampai
Brantt Higa
Camden Ramirez
Chris Rohrer
Christian Navarro
Dru Hara
Eric Wehner
Gabi Hara
Natalie Nakasone
Nazareth Kawakami
Noelle Nakamura
Tien Austin
Tori Toguchi