Photographs from the final day of the Selma-Montgomery March by Wayne Levin
March 25th, 1965
by Wayne Levin
August 26 - Oct. 29, 2020
Zoom talk Friday, 10/2, 5pm (ID 942 6531 2225)
We're excited that Wayne approached us with excitement about coming across these photos shot when he was 19 in Alabama. We all thought it was perfect for the current social climate. He's showing 27 photos shot on slide film & have these prints available. This documentary photographs are different aspect of Wayne's signature underwater photography. Please come thru the shop & take a look. These photographs will be up in the shop thru 10/29/20.
Artist's Statement:
Recently, I was going through some old pictures, and I found 27 slides that I took on the final day of the Selma to Montgomery March back in 1965. I was 19 at the time. It was 55 years ago. I never thought these pictures were very good, but when I look at them now, I realize that they're really historic. They definitely are far from perfect technically, but they give the feeling of being in that March. I was with a group from the LA chapter of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality). We camped on the outskirts of Montgomery with several thousand marchers from around the country, and world, then marched to the capitol building. We passed through the black section of town, where we were cheered, and we passed through the white section, where we were cussed at, I was even spit at. It's amazing that after all these years in a binder, these images chose this particular time to reenter my life.
Wayne Levin
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